Inquiring about devices - Autoconfig Issue

Inquiring about devices - Autoconfig Issue


I was wondering if these two devices will be added to the compatibility list or if you have any suggestions to get the devices to work with the swiper. The devices are below:

AT&T Trek HD, Model - 9020A, Version - 5.1.1
LG Vista (AT&T), Model - LGH740


The customer has a device that is not supported.  Testing might be required to make it compatible.


Our latest beta doesn't have these devices included

If you can loan us either of these devices, we can test them and provide support status, or you may try doing some testing yourself with a tool called autoconfig.

Autoconfig is a function of the Demo and Utility, both on the Play store. To find these apps, search for "UniMag". The utility has an exclusive feature called Email which lets you send us some logs for our reference. See item # 28 from our FAQ linked below:

FAQ: Mobile Card Readers

It may be tricky to find the method to trigger the menu button, as it varies and can appear totally hidden, although it's almost always there, somewhere. Typically, look for three dots like ":.." and tap on this to open the menu, you'll see Settings near the bottom then. If that button is absent, check the buttons to the left or right of home (like the back arrow and split window button, or else the square and triangle, for that type) and try both tapping and holding (holding for a moment or two activates a different feature sometimes) these to see if it triggers the menu.

Once you can show settings, choose it and click Start Autoconfig. You may need to manually maximize the volume or adjust some other audio setting, but once nothing is impeding audio function/software control, starting the tool should take you back to the main screen and show a counter from 1% and moving upward to 100% until failure or else success at any point that it finds a match.

If it works, the app will check and return the serial number and now you can swipe cards. For us to evaluate the results properly, we would like at least three swipes made before sending the email, that way we can consider the integrity.

The end result, if we can collect the necessary data, is that we can identify a profile (this is a set of parameters related to the reader and SDK) which should support the device (albeit not necessarily one hundred percent reliably).

Please let me know if any of these options interest you or what other assistance we can provide.

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