How do I determine if a mobile service was used to process a sale (with Apple Pay etc.)?


You can determine ApplePay or Google Pay transactions by including Tag DFEF7A in Global Configuration. When the value is set to 1, after reading a card the output data includes tag DFEF7B to indicate whether the payment method was ApplePay or Google Pay. If Tag DFEF7A is not set, the Tag DFEE7B tag will not be in the output. 

To enable Tag DFEF7A, send the Set Configuration (04-00) command with a data value of DFEF7A0101.

The DFEF7B values returned in the transaction response data are defined below:
0 = Not Apple Pay/ Apple VAS or Google Pay/ Android VAS

1 = Apple Pay or Apple VAS

2 = Google Pay or Android VAS

This is originally only supported by NEO 2 products. The VP3300 series NEO 1 product has the support added from firmware V1.01.073 and above.

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