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How to use VC Demo to test an USB/CCID Hybrid Insert reader?
IDRE-335133BR (Transarmor SecureMag) Not Working on Windows 10
ID TECH’s Gen 1 vs Gen 2 Contact Kernels
I got the AC after the Authenticate Transaction. Is it safe to assume that the value returned in the 9F26 tag is the ARQC?
Information for MINDBODY users
Inquiring about devices - Autoconfig Issue
Integrating Applications for Multiple ID TECH SDKs
I sometimes see evidence of corruption in the returned card data...How can I fix this?
Is There a Way to Remove All Groups, AIDs, CAPKs in a NEO Product (e.g., KIOSK III)?
Mifare access example
MM2 USB/HID Rawinput Support
Mobile Reader keyboard emulation
My iMag Pro II stopped working what should I do?
My MiniSmart II does not appear in the Windows Device Manager. What can I do?
My SREDKey Displays "Key Not Injected." How Can I Fix This?
My SREDKey or SecureKey displays "Key Not Injected" when I tried to manually enter the card number and swipe a card . How can I fix this?
My SREDKey/SecureKey Screen Displays "Activating..."; What Should I Do?
My VP3300USB is stuck in USB KB mode, how do I get it back to the USB/HID mode?
My VP3600 prompts for "press key seq". What should I do?
NEO 1.2 - Home and FAQ
NEO 2 - Home and FAQ
NEO IDG Quick Reference (Rev. 151)
NGA Command_Response Protocol
NGA, MiniSmart II, How to increase the Idle Waiting Time to 4s
Pairing an VP5300 or VP5300M with an L80 and Configure it for an EMV Transaction Test
Parsomatic. How to parse TLVs? How to parse transaction data (EMV, MSR or MSD)?
PCI DSS - 13 Guidelines
Performing a Contact EMV Transaction Test with the VP5300
Performing an Offline PIN Transaction Without a PEK on the VP3600
Product Integration Topic - Augusta QuickChip KeyBoard fallback behavior
Proving NFC Peer-to-Peer messaging on a KioskIII (ISO 18092)
Pulling MSR Data with an Augusta Working in HID Buffer Mode
Q & A related to the salt keys injected into the products such as NEO II, KIOSK IV and KIOSK V (SRED and Non-SRED version units)
Requesting an RMA Number to Return Units for Repair
RKI (remote key injection) Errors:
SecureKey M130 Setting the Admin Level
Service Code and L2 common Kernel
SmartTap - Configuration command example
Spectrum Pro Chome Demo - Instructions
SREDkey vs. SREDkey 2 Comparison
There is an GPO error. How can I config tag 9F1D (Card Terminal Validations) for my MasterCard tests?
Token Request Identified (TRI) Instructions
Troubleshooting articles
Understanding PIN Pad Encryption/Decryption
Understanding the Bluetooth connection pro
UniMag Android Common Settings issues
UniMag Android SDK Manual XML Configuration
UniMag Common Issues for iOS SDK
EMV Transactions with Universal SDK
FAQ - OMNI Readers
BluScan IDBA-4243LRB: Removing the Enter at the End of Data Output
How can I check if encryption is enabled for my SecureMag/SecureHead? i.e. How do I check the security level on a SecureMag/SecureHead?
EMV L3 Certification Overview
EMV transaction, how was the card presented (Swiped, Tapped or Dipped...MSD, Fallback)?
FAQ: 2DScan FX100
FAQ - Android
FAQ - EconoScanII
Can I Use an iMagProII to Form-Fill a Website on Safari?
How Can I Use RKI (Remote Key Injection) From the uDemo?
Can I update the firmware on a SecuRED?
How to adjusting the RTC in VP5300 to make transaction times accurately reflect local time?
How to Perform an EMV Transaction Test with an Augusta/Augusta S in USB HID Mode?
How can I decrypt encrypted data?
How to Configure the Date and Time on MiniSmart II?
Do you have an example of how one might configure the VP3300 or any contactless reader for an L3 certification?
What would cause the Windows OS to fail to recognize the Augusta reader when connecting to a USB port?
Do you have a tool for calculating the CRC for a command?
How Do I Verify the Key in a SecureHead or a SecureMag?
What do the different Security Levels mean in SecureMag/SecureHead, SecureKey, SREDKey/SREDKey2?
Can ID TECH tell me what AIDs, CAPKs, and Terminal Settings I Need to Load into my EMV Reader?
Can I Use my ID TECH Bluetooth Reader with Windows?
How to Clear the Removal Detection Logs in an L80 Using a VP5300?
Connecting a VP3600 to iOS or Android via Bluetooth
Can an Augusta be injected with a DEK, but with encryption not enabled?
Grounding guidelines for IDTECH readers to optimize the ESD protection
FAQ - Unipay
FAQ - Magnetic Encoders and EZWriter
How Do I Enable/Disable Quick Chip for KeyBoard Emulation (QCKB) on the Augusta?
FAQ: Customer Support Portal
How do I determine if a mobile service was used to process a sale (with Apple Pay etc.)?
FAQ: Xamarin
Can SecureKey Require the User to Enter a CVV?
An Example of Accessing Mifare Classic Cards
Augusta QC KB: How Do I Set My Device's Serial Number for an EMV Transaction?
Does the VP5300 support the MasterCard Relay Resistance Protocol? If so, how to activate it?
Can the Firmware be updated on the UniPay 1.5?
FAQ - EconoScan & Versa Scan
Do you have a extension cable that works with UniMagII/Shuttle?
Audio Jack Care
Can the SREDKey 2 be Key Injected by the Same Method as a SREDKey?
How can I get, find and retrieve EMV Tags?
FAQ - MiniMag & Easy Mag
FAQ - Encryption Decryption
Augusta, Android, and USB Keyboard Mode Integration
Examples of parsing - Vendi, Neo
FAQ - ValueScanII
FAQ - Versakey
FAQ - Spectrum Hybrid
How can I configure my contactless reader to perform Card Emulation (ISO 18092)?