Audio Jack Care

Audio Jack Care

I've been using my audio jack reader for some time and it's suddenly stopped working, what are my options?

The UniMag Series of Products includes the UniMag Pro, UniMag II, and Shuttle, and the updated UniPay series of devices is an expanding new product line, conforming to new technology requirements.  These devices are sold with a one-year manufacturer's warranty, applying to most defects aside from physical damage or destruction of a device.  ID Tech does not offer out-of-warranty service for our mobile readers.

Wear and tear or substance buildup can cause an audio jack reader to stop working.  When it is clear that a device is defective and when warranty options are limited, please consider assessing the audio jack in case cleaning might remove a defect.  The image below represents an audio jack that is too far-worn to be considered in warranty, but some of the defects collected along the way to an ultimately destroyed condition can represent some in-warranty covered conditions and also are potentially field serviceable.

When oil, grease, grime, or another substance is built up along the surface of the audio jack, consider using a damp cloth to rub it clean.  When wear and tear produces scratches or in particular, rings, then consider carefully applying sandpaper or another light abrasive to restore connection, but please note that the nickel exterior can be worn too thin for acceptable use as a consequence of doing this.  Please consider in-warranty repair as the best first option for any audio jack reader defect.

Corrosive liquid stain removers can destroy the plastic rings of the audio jack.  In the face of obvious sticky stains or material buildup, please consider only using a citrus-based label remover or other non-corrosive cleaners.  Isopropyl but not labeled as rubbing alcohol can be used to clear the surface of some buildup.  Do not use corrosive cleaners such as Goof Off, as they can damage the device.  As with other issues presented in audio jack care, when light cleaning cannot clear away the buildup or debris, then please consider checking into present warranty options for that device.

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