FAQ - MiniMag & Easy Mag

FAQ - MiniMag & Easy Mag

MiniMag(IDT3xxx & IDMB-3xxx) and EasyMag(WCR3xxx-xxQ & IDEA-xxxxxx)

Which configure software is the right one for my reader? Which manual should I download for programming instruction?

All of the decoded versions of MiniMag (except the port-powered model) & EasyMag card readers are configurable which means the reader output can be reconfigured to meet the application software's expectations. Please refer to the General FAQ to identify the reader that you have first, and then check the table below for the correct manuals & configuration software.


Interface Type

Configure Software



Interface Type

Configure Software



Keyboard Wedge

Any text editor, Notepad is recommended

MiniMag Keyboard Wedge/USB



MiniMag RS-232 Configuration Utility

MiniMag RS232/USB



MiniMag USB Reader Setup Utility

MiniMag Keyboard Wedge/USB



MiniMag RS-232 Configuration Utility

MiniMag RS232/USB


Keyboard Wedge

Any text editor, Notepad is recommended

EasyMag Keyboard Wedge/USB



EasyMag RS-232 Configuration Utility

EasyMag RS232/USB



EasyMag USB Reader Setup Utility

EasyMag Keyboard Wedge/USB



EasyMag RS-232 Configuration Utility

EasyMag RS232/USB


All decoded

MagSwipe Configuration Software


**Refer to the general FAQ section for details on how to download & install the configuration software.

For PS/2 keyboard wedge interface MiniMag (Model # IDT3331-xx) & EasyMag (Model # WCR3331-xxQ), the user can configure the readers by entering the configure command code (which can be found in the manual) in Notepad via the keyboard. Please refer to the manual for details on how to configure the readers if needed. The following are some things that need to be noted:

1) The code has to be entered via the external keyboard, which is connected directly to one end of the reader Y cable.

2) Type the code slowly & correctly to prevent typing errors. Do not use the Backspace key to correct typing errors, re-type the code correctly if there is a typing error.

3) Please, make sure to use the number keys above the main Alpha Keypad for the numeric code in the command code.

4) The correct response from the card reader is a single beep when the Enter key is depressed at the end of each code. A response of 2 beeps indicates an error, if the reader beeps twice; please re-type the code correctly to ensure a good response signal before proceeding to type the next code.

5) If the reader does not respond with a beep even though the code being entered is correct, check the reader cable connection, and make sure:

a) The keyboard that you are entering the code from is connected directly to one end of the reader cable.

b) The male end of the PS/2 connector from the reader is indeed in the keyboard port (not the PS/2 mouse port) on the PC. Correct the connection problem as needed and then try re-programming the reader again.

For USB keyboard emulation interface MiniMag (Model # IDT3331-xxU) & EasyMag (Model # WCR3331-xxQU), the user can configure the readers by sending the configure command code (which can be found in the manual) through the configure software listed above. Refer to Appendix E in the manual for instructions on how to send the configure command code through this software.

For RS232 and USB/RS232 emulation interface MiniMag (Model # IDT3321-xx, IDT3321-xxU) and EasyMag (Model # WCR3321-XXQ, WCR3321-xxQU), the user can configure readers via the configure software listed above.

For the IDMB MiniMag II series, there is only one configuration software as listed above. Please refer to the help file in the software for details on how to use it.

How do I change the interface of my MiniMag from USB-HID to USB-keyboard?

You can change a USB-HID (IDMB-xx5xxx...) MiniMag to be a keyboard emulating reader (IDMB-xx4xxx...) in the MagSwipe Configuration Utility.

Which Driver is required & for my MiniMag (IDT3xxx or IDMB series) and EasyMag? Any other drivers & Demos are available to meet my application program's requirements?

See the table below for the driver requirement & availability of other drivers & Demo software:


Interface Type

Driver Required

OPOS Driver

JPOS Driver

Demo Program


Interface Type

Driver Required

OPOS Driver

JPOS Driver

Demo Program


Keyboard Wedge

No special driver needed






No special driver needed

OPOS driver (Last updated 5/4/04)





Standard USB/HID-compliant keyboard driver provided by the host OS






ID TECH USB Serial Driver V3.0





Keyboard Wedge

No special driver needed





No special driver needed

OPOS driver (Last updated 5/4/04)





Standard USB/HID-compliant keyboard driver provided by the host OS






ID TECH USB Serial Driver V3.0






No special driver needed

MagSwipe OPOS Driver for RS232 and USB/CDC, IDMB, IDRA & IDEA only

MagSwipe JPOS Driver IDMB, IDRA only

MagSwipe OPOS Demo software IDMB & IDRA only



No special driver needed

MagSwipe OPOS Driver for Keyboard interface, IDMB, IDRA & IDEA only

MagSwipe JPOS Driver IDMB, IDRA only

MagSwipe OPOS Demo software IDMB & IDRA only



Standard USB/HID-compliant keyboard driver provided by the host OS

MagSwipe OPOS Driver for USB/KB Keyboard interface, IDMB, IDRA & DEL only

MagSwipe JPOS Driver IDMB, IDRA only

MagSwipe OPOS Demo software V2.22 IDMB & IDRA only



No special driver needed

MagSwipe OPOS Driver for USB/HID Interface IDMB, IDRA only

MagSwipe JPOS Driver IDMB, IDRA only

MagSwipe OPOS Demo software IDMB & IDRA only, MagSwipe Demo Application for USB/HID Interface IDMB, IDRA only



USB CDC Driver, IDMB, IDRA only

MagSwipe OPSO Driver for USB/CDC

MagSwipe JPOS Driver IDMB, IDRA only

MagSwipe OPOS Demo software IDMB & IDRA only

Refer to the General FAQ section for details on how to download & install the above drivers & Demo software.

How can I verify the reader works?

For a keyboard wedge interface or USB/keyboard emulation interface reader:

Get into any simple text editor - Notepad is recommended in Windows environment (locate it through Start/All programs/Accessories/Notepad). For a dual track reader, swipe a credit card, the reader should beep twice & there will be two lines of data showing up in a Maximized Notepad window. (1st line starts with % and 2nd line starts with ';' both lines should end with the '?' for readers with the default output configuration). For a triple track reader, swipe a driver's license card, which has a magnetic strip with all 3 tracks encoded. The reader should sound 3 beeps, and 3 lines of data will be displayed in the Notepad window

For an RS232 serial, USB/RS232 emulation, and USB/CDC interface reader:

Set up a HyperTerminal test session (Refer to General FAQ for detailed instructions). For a dual track reader, swipe a credit card through, the reader should beep twice & there will be two lines of the data showing up in a Maximized HyperTerminal window. (1st line starts with % and 2nd line starts with ';' both lines should end with the ';' for readers with the default output configuration). For a triple track reader, swipe a driver's license card, which has a magnetic strip with all 3 track data encoded on it. The reader should sound 3 beeps, and 3 lines of data will be displayed on the Hyper Terminal Screen


1) If the reader doesn't beep when passing a magnetic card through it, please check and make sure the magnetic stripe is facing the correct side of the slot so that the stripe is contacting the reading head.

2) If the reader beeps correctly, but no data is shown in Notepad, please check to see if the correct software is being used for testing. If the answer is 'Yes' check the cable connection and the reader's interface type setting.

3) If the card is read and some of the card data is displayed, please reset the reader & re-test.

4) If the reader is verified as working, but it just does not work with your application software, please contact the software side for the data format expected by the software side and re-configure the reader's output accordingly.

How do I know what interface my card reader has?

Please refer to the General FAQ section for details on how to identify the card reader by its model #. Alternatively, you can look at the cable connector type to identify them briefly:

For keyboard wedge type reader, the cable is a Y shape with both end PS/2 connectors (one plug, one socket type)

For the RS232 interface reader, the cable has a standard 9-pin female D-sub connector with a power receptacle on the back end of the connector (port powered unit does not have the power receptacle socket)

For USB keyboards, USB/RS232, USB/CDC, and USB/HID interfaces, all have the standard 4-conduct flat USB plug.

How do I remove the 'Enter' located between the track data so that data shows up all on one line?

All you need to do is to disable the track separator and verify the output again in Notepad.

1. For the keyboard wedge reader(Model IDT3331-xx or WCR3331-xxQ), type the following code in Notepad and press the Enter key, if the code is being accepted by the reader, it should sound a beep. (2 beeps indicate error, try again):

/e/d/fq \nul

2. For the USB/keyboard emulation reader (Model IDT3331-xxU or WCR3331-xxQU), send the following code via the USB Reader Setup Utility software:

/e/d/fq \nul

3. For RS232 or USB/RS232 reader (Model IDT3321-xx or -xxU, WCR3321-xxQ or -xxQU), select the \nul in the Non-Printable Data Input window under the Select Track Separator window in the Track Settings page of the RS-232 Configuration software. Then click the To MSR button, select the COM port where the reader is currently connected, then click OK to send it to the reader to get it configured.

4. for IDMB series MiniMag, please clear the '\cr' in the track separator window under Change Basic Reader Settings>Track Settings Tab in the Configuration software for Models IDMB, IDRA., DEL only, then click the Send to MSR button to get it re-configured.

How do I reset the reader to the factory default?

1. For the keyboard wedge reader(Model IDT3331-xx or WCR3331-xxQ), type the following code in Notepad and press the Enter key, if the code is being accepted by the reader, it should sound 1 beep. (2 beeps indicate an error, try again):


2. For the USB/keyboard emulation reader (Model IDT3331-xxU or WCR3331-xxQU), send the following code via the USB Reader Setup Utility software:


3. For RS232 or USB/RS232 reader (Model IDT3321-xx or -xxU, WCR3321-xxQ or -xxQU), Click the Default All and then click the To MSR button, select the COM port where the reader is currently connected, then click OK.

4. For IDMB series MiniMag, in the Change Basic or Advanced Reader settings Window of the Configuration software for Models IDMB, IDRA., DEL only, click the Default All and the Send to MSR button.

How to make my existing keyboard wedge interface reader work with a new PC that uses a USB-type keyboard?

Convert the PS/2 plug end to the USB connector via the IDT1231U converter cable so that the reader can be plugged into a USB port on the host

Note: For applications requiring keyboard input, but the PC is using a USB-type keyboard, please get the USB/keyboard emulation card reader so that the reader can be plugged into a USB port directly, and work as a keyboard input device.

How do I program the reader to output only the data from track 2 of a magnetic card?

For Model IDT3331-xx(U) or WCR3331-xxQ(U) series, use the code below for the keyboard wedge or USB/KB unit:

/e/d/fp 2


1) For a keyboard wedge reader, please type the above code in Notepad & make sure to use the number key above the main Alpha Keypad for the numeric code '2'

2) For the USB/KB emulation unit, please type the above code in the INPUT SETUP STRING window, and then click the Send button

For Model IDT3321-xx(U) or WCR3321-xxQ(U) series, use the RS232 Configuration Utility software to program it via the following route after launching the program:

File>New>Track Settings>Tracking 2 only>Click sent to MSR (MiniMag or Easy/Mag)

For the IDMB series, use the MagSwipe Configuration Software to program it to track 2 only by following the route below after the Select Reader interface is successfully executed:

Change Basic Reader Settings>Track Settings>Track 2 only>click Send to MSR

How do I program the reader so that it won't output the start & end sentinels from the magnetic card?

By default, the MiniMag reader will output the start sentinels ('%' for track 1 and ';' for track 2 of a credit card) and end sentinels ('?' for each track). To disable the output of the sentinels, configure the reader to disable the sending of the sentinels (Note: the start & end sentinels are a pair, they will be eliminated together)

You can use the 80046804-009 MagSwipe Configuration Utility v2.3.5_A.zip by following the instructions below: (click the image to enlarge)

For Model IDT3331-xx(U) or WCR3331-xxQ(U) series, use the code below for the keyboard wedge or USB/KB unit:

/e/d/fv 0

(Note: please make sure to use the number key above the main Alpha Keypad for the numeric code '0' when programming a keyboard wedge reader. For USB/KB unit, send the above code via the configuration software)

(Note: please make sure to use the number key above the main Alpha Keypad for the numeric code '0' when programming a keyboard wedge reader. For USB/KB unit, send the above code via the configuration software)

For Model IDT3321-xx(U) or WCR3321-xxQ(U) series, use the RS232 Configuration Utility software to program it via the route below after launching the program: File>New>Track Settings>Un-check the option for send Start/End Sentinel>Click sent to MSR (MiniMag or Easy/Mag)

For the IDMB series, use the MagSwipe Configuration Software to program it to track 2 only by following the route after the Select Reader interface is successfully executed: Change Reader Basic Settings>Track Settings> Un-check the option for send Start/End Sentinel >click Send to MSR

I have a USB/Keyboard emulation interface Card Reader (Model # IDT3331-xxU(B) or WCR3331-xxQU(B) or IDMB-3341xx(B) ), where do I find the driver?

The USB/KB emulation reader uses the HID keyboard driver provided by Windows Operating System. On a PC with Windows 2000 or XP, the driver will be installed automatically the first time the reader is connected to a USB port.

The Windows 98 CD is required to locate and install the HID keyboard driver on a PC running Windows 98.

I have a USB/RS232 interface card reader, where do I find the driver?

For Model # IDT3321-xxU(B) or WCR3321-xxQU(B), you can download the IDT USB Serial Driver V3.0.exe from our website, the virtual COM port will be listed under port in the device manager as 'ID TECH USB Serial Port (COM x)'

For model IDMB-3361xx(B), you can download the USB CDC Driver, IDMB, and IDRA only from our website. The unit will be listed under port in the device manager as 'ID TECH MiniMag II USB-RS232 reader (COM x)'

I've verified that the card reader is outputting data in its default format in Notepad (for keyboard wedge or USB/keyboard units); however, my POS application software won't process the transaction correctly, what should I do now?

This is due to the reader's default output doesn't meet the application software's expectations. You might want to try re-configuring the reader to disable the Enter between track 1 & 2 output (See FAQ # 5 above for details) and then try to process a credit card transaction again in your POS application. If the transaction still won't go through, please contact the application software companies' support to obtain the correct data format expected by the software and re-configure the reader accordingly. (Refer to the correct manual & use the correct configuration program from our website)

I'm a Pre-Cash customer, Who should I contact when the card is not being processed correctly?

Pre-Cash software works with all of our keyboard wedge or USB/keyboard emulation interface readers by Default.

(Please refer to the General FAQ section for help identifying the reader that you have by Model#) Please confirm the reader that you have is the correct model first, then follow the instructions for above FAQ # 3 to verify the card reader's default output by swiping a Pre-Cash card or Credit Card and checking the output in Notepad. If the reader does output 2 lines of data in Notepad as shown below, which confirms the card reader is working fine, please contact Pre-Cash support directly for help on setting up the software correctly. If the output only shows one of the 2 lines, please try to reset the reader (See FAQ # 6 above for details) and verify the output again. If the output is still not right, please contact ID TECH directly.

The default output for a Credit Card or a Debit Cash Card should look like this: (where 'X' represents the numeric data from the card)

%Bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^card holder's name^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?

;xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?

I want to mount the MiniMag Card Reader (Model IDT33xx-xx series), what size of mounting screw I should use, and where can I get them?

The mounting screw size is M3x5. If you have trouble getting them from local hardware store, you can get them from:

Mr. Metric 
960 N. 10th Street 
San Jose, CA 95112 
PH# 408-286-8816 
Fax# 408-286-0974

How do I program my keyboard wedge or USB/keyboard card reader to skip the 1st 3 digits after the ';' on Track 2 and send the next 7 digits with a carriage return for my ID card?

For keyboard wedge Model IDT3331-xx or WCR3331-xxQ series, manually type the list of the configuration code below in Notepad via the external PS/2 keyboard:

/e/d/fe 11 
/e/d/fr \cr 
/e/d/fs e2a01030701; 
/e/d/ft 7d2a0a


  1. Please make sure to use the number keys above the main Alpha Keypad for the numeric codes when programming a keyboard wedge reader

  2. The code has to be typed via the external keyboard that is directly connected to one end of the reader's cord

  3. Type the code slowly & correctly to prevent typing errors. Do not use the Backspace key to correct typing errors, re-type the code correctly if there is a typing error

  4. The correct response from the card reader is a single beep when the Enter key is depressed at the end of each code. A response of 2 beeps indicates an error, if the reader beeps twice; please re-type the code correctly to ensure a good response before proceeding to type the next code

For USB keyboard emulation Model IDT3331-xxU or WCR3321-xxQU series, use the USB Reader Setup Utility for Win98/2000/XP to send the above code one by one to the reader. Alternatively, create a text file by adding the 'END' as the last line of code to the above code for the keyboard wedge units and save it, then use the Send File option in the utility program to send this config text file down to the reader to get it programmed.

For the IDMB series, use the MagSwipe Configuration Software to program it by following the steps below:

1) Click on SELECT READER INTERFACE > click on the circle under the cable connector picture that matches your card reader's > Click the Continue button.

2) Click on CHANGE ADVANCED READER SETTINGS > go to the Date Editing tab > Click Enable under Data Edit > select Custom under Date Format > Click New Field > Click on the cr (or the enter). From the Non Printable Character drop-down list > Click on ADD > Click OK > Click Add Formula > Click the New Custom Field >, and then click on the various windows to input data so that it shows exactly as the screen shown below, then click on the Add button, then OK.

3) Double click on the (2a) under Customized Fields > Double click on the (0a) under Added Fields so the Sent Sequence Window looks exactly like the one below > Click OK

4) There should be a formula like the screenshot below, click the Send to MSR button and wait until the configure setting is sent successfully. Then Click OK.

5) If you like, you can click on Save to File and save the current configured settings into a file for future use.

6) To configure a reader from an existing configure file, click on Load from File > Send to MSR

7) Verify the reader's output in Notepad.

How do I program the IDT3331 or WCR3331-xxQ series keyboard wedge or USB keyboard emulation interface reader to output the credit card data in the following format?

<Card #><Tab><Exp. MM><Tab><Exp. 20YY><Tab><Card Holder's Name><CR>

For the keyboard wedge interface reader, the following is the list of the configure code to configure it in Notepad.

/e/d/fe 11 
/e/d/fr \tab 20 \cr 
/e/d/fs d1a0101B0101^ d1b0101^0101^ e1c02020201^ e1d02000201^ 
/e/d/ft 7d1a0a1c0a0b1d0a1b0c


  1. Please make sure to use the number keys above the main Alpha Keypad for the numeric codes when program a keyboard wedge reader

  2. The code has to be typed via the external keyboard that is directly connected to one end of the reader's cord

  3. Type the code slowly & correctly to prevent typing errors. Do not use the Backspace key to correct typing errors, re-type the code correctly if there is a typing error

  4. The correct response from the card reader is a single beep when the Enter key is depressed at the end of each code. A response of 2 beeps indicates an error, if the reader beeps twice; please re-type the code correctly to ensure a good response before proceeding to type the next code

For the USB keyboard emulation interface reader, save the code below as a text file, use the Send File function of the USB Reader Setup Utility Software to send this file to the reader to get it configured.

/e/d/fe 11 
/e/d/fr \tab 20 \cr 
/e/d/fs d1a0101B0101^ d1b0101^0101^ e1c02020201^ e1d02000201^ 
/e/d/ft 7d1a0a1c0a0b1d0a1b0c 

How do I program the IDMB series MiniMag reader to output the Driver's License (AAMVA format) data in the following format?

<FN LN><CR><Address><CR><City><, ><State>< Space><Zip><CR>

Use the MagSwipe Configuration Software to program it by following the route bellow:

1) Click on SELECT READER INTERFACE>click on the circle under the cable connector picture that matches your card reader's >Click the Continue button.

2) Click on CHANGE ADVANCED READER SETTINGS>go to Date Editing tab>Click Enable under Data Edit >select AAMVA under Date Format> Check all 3 tracks under Track Selection

3)> Click New Field>Click on the \cr (or the '\enter') from the Non Printable Character drop-down list > Click on ADD> Type in ',' in the Input New Field Window > Click on ADD>Click on the '\sp' from the Non Printable drop-down list > Click ADD (your screen should look like the screenshot below for New Field) > Click OK

4) Click on Add Formula > define the desired data output sequence by double clicking on the fields in the Track 1 Fields, Track 3 Fields & Added Fields Windows in the following sequence:

(10), (0c), (12), (0a), (1e), (0a), (1c), (0b), (1b), (0c), (3d), (0a).

The screen should look like the one below > Click on OK > There should be an AAMVA formula listed in the Formula Window, then click the Send to MSR button & wait till the configure successful prompt pops up.

5) Click Close & Exit.

I have a DEL3331-33UB from Dell, but when I tried to configure it using the MiniMag USB Reader Setup Utility program, the program crashed, why is this?

The DEL3331-33UB is one of the IDMB series readers. The correct configuration software for that is the Configuration Software for Models IDMB, IDRA, and DEL only.

How do I configure the DEL3331-33UB so that it will output the 2 tracks of credit card data on one line?

Since the DEL3331-33UB is one of the IDMB series readers, you can configure it the same way as configuring an IDMB series reader. Here are the programming steps to disable the default track separator (Enter):


    1. Download the Configuration Software for Models IDMB, IDRA, DEL only and install it on the PC

    2. Connect the reader to one of the USB ports on the PC, launch the above configuration program

    3. Click SELECT READER INTERFACE >click on the circle under the USB connector picture that matches your card reader's >Click the Continue button.

    4. Click CHANGE READER BASIC SETTINGS > go to Track Settings page > clear the cr in the Track Separator window > Click Send to MSR

    5. Verify the reader's output in Notepad

The program crashes whenever I try to send a configure file using the Send File button in the MiniMag USB Reader Setup Utility program, why is this?>

This is due to the configure file is not formatted correctly. Please make sure the END is the only content in the last line of your configure file. Please review the guide.doc file from the unzipped files of the downloaded utility program for other details about creating a configure file.

I have another keyboard wedge scanner daisy chained with my keyboard wedge card reader in between the keyboard & host PC, should I remove the scanner before trying to program the reader?

Yes, the scanner needs to be removed from the chain temporarily to program the card reader. After the reader is configured correctly, you can connect the scanner back into the chain so that both can be used.

How can I clean my card reader?

You can purchase cleaning cards from a variety of suppliers to clean the magnetic head in the slot. Please search the web for cleaning card suppliers. Here's a referral:

1130 Minot Ave. 
Auburn, ME 04211 
Tel: 207-514-7030 

The type of cleaning card is called dual action card reader cleaning card series 130.

What is the correct configure code to program a prefix of the function key F7?

/e/d/fc \f7

Note: This is for the IDT3331-xx(U) or WCR3331-xxQ(U) series only. For IDMB series MiniMag, highlight the 7 from the non-printable list of the Pre-amble window and click Send to MSR in the Pre-Post-Amble page under CHANGE BASIC READER SETTINGS of the configuration program.

What are the correct configuration codes to program the card reader to output the credit card number only?

/e/d/fp 2 
/e/d/fv 2

Note: This is for the IDT3331-xx(U) or WCR3331-xxQ(U) series only. For IDMB series MiniMag, click the T2 only and For track 2 only send account number options under CHANGE READER BASIC SETTINGS>Tracking settings and click Send to MSR in the configuration program.

My card reader beeps when I swipe the card through, but it's not outputting any data to my application software, why is this?

Please verify the reader's output and follow the instructions for the above FAQ # 3. If the reader is not working right, please contact ID TECH support. If the reader is functioning correctly, please contact the application software side for support. You may need to confirm that the software can get the data for the particular interface type of this card reader. (e.g. If you are using a serial interface card reader to work with an application software that requires keyboard input, it's not going to work. You will need to use a keyboard wedge or USB/keyboard emulation card reader in a case like this)

My card reader won't read the second track of a tradeshow card, why is that?

It's a nonstandard high-density (210 BPI) encoding on track 2 for most trade show cards, which is why regular card readers won't be able to read them correctly. It requires the card readers to be customized to be able to read the track 2 data. Our IDMB series MiniMag is made to be able to read this type of tradeshow card without modification or customizing the reader.

Are the Port Powered serial interface MiniMag card readers configurable?

No, they are not.

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