How to perform a Remote Key Injection RKI

How to perform a Remote Key Injection RKI


There are 2 types of RKI services that ID TECH offers. Our legacy sysmetric RKI service. And the asymmetric RKI that uses a public/private key schema to protect the key that is being injected. 

As of the time of this writing (May of 2019) There are 2 tools. RKI client and uDemo. The client tool only supports legacy RKI while uDemo support both the legacy and asymmetric RKI


You must purchase RKI from sales and submit the serial numbers for the devices to be injected before you will be able to perform key injection. The key to be injected will be associated with the serial number(s) and the serial numbers will be queued for RKI. Only devices with serial numbers that match one submitted will be able to receive RKI. Once the sales order has gone through and the serial numbers have been queued, you will typically have 30 days to do the key injection. Once successful, the serial numbers are removed from the RKI queue. 



  1. On the machine hosting the device, ensure a good internet connection exists
  2. Download/unzip/launch RKI client (or uDemo)
  3. Choose “USB Interface Reader” (I am assuming USB-HID SecureHead is the target device, but you can try each one to find the right one for your device)
  4. Enter the correct serial number

MiniSmart II 2.01.001 supports New Symmetric RKI,  Use "Execute Symmetric RKI" in uDemo to do RKI.

MiniSmart II  2.00.034 supports pervious RKI, so the Legacy RKI works.

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