How Do I Verify the Key in a MiniSmart II Reader?

How Do I Verify the Key in a MiniSmart II Reader?

Q: How do we know if our MiniSmart II readers have a data encryption key injected and how do we verify the injected key is the correct one?

A: Follow the steps below to determine key injection status and verify the key: 

  1. To check whether a data key is injected, send the 78 46 30 command using uDemo to get the key status and confirm the second byte from the last is 01 (refer to the
    MiniSmart II Command Reference Manual for command details).
  2. To check which key is injected, send the 78 46 3E 05 00 02 02 00 00 00 command to get the KSN and verify the KSI, which is the first few bytes of the KSN, to confirm it matches your payment processor's key (see screenshot below).


The uDemo screenshot above may look different than later versions uDemo, but you should see the same response in the Results pane.