FAQ - OMNI Readers

FAQ - OMNI Readers

1. How do I connect the scanner to the host computer?

For KB wedge & RS232 interface readers, please refer to Section 2 on the User's Manual for installation instructions. Go to the User Manual Section of this website to download the latest manual.

For the USB/keyboard emulation interface reader (WCR3237-xxxU), simply plug the cable connector into one of the USB ports on the host, it's not necessary to power down the host. On a Mac or a PC with Windows 2000/XP, the USB keyboard driver will be loaded automatically by the Operating System. For a PC with Windows 98, you would need to direct the Find New Hardware Wizard to the CD driver where you have the Win98 CD to locate the correct USB keyboard driver. If the driver is installed correctly, you should be able to see a 'HID-Compliant Keyboard' listed under Keyboard in Windows Device Manager on a PC.

For USB/RS232 emulation interface reader (WCR3227-xxxU), before connecting the reader to the USB port, please download the IDT TECH USB Serial Driver V3.0 and unzip it into a new folder. Print out & read the driver installation instruction document. Plug the reader into a USB port on a PC, and follow the instructions to get the driver installed correctly.

2. How do I verify that the reader works?

For a keyboard wedge interface (WCR3237-xxx) or USB/keyboard emulation interface (WCR3237-xxxU) unit:

  1. Run any simple text editor - Notepad is recommended in the Windows environment (locate it through Start/All programs/Accessories/Notepad)

  2. To verify the barcode readability: swipe a valid sample barcode through the slot. The reader should beep once and the barcode data should be displayed on the Notepad screen (see the notes below)

  3. To verify the magnetic stripe readability: for a dual-track reader, swipe a credit card through the slot. The reader should beep twice & two lines of the data will show up in a Maximized Notepad window. For a triple track reader, swipe a driver's license card, which has a magnetic strip with data encoded. The reader should sound 3 beeps, and at least 3 lines of data will be displayed in the Notepad window

A For a RS232 serial (WCR3227-xxx) or USB/RS232 interface reader (WCR3227-xxxU):

  1. Run HyperTerminal under the Windows environment (Start/All programs/Accessories/Communications/HyperTerminal) and make a new connection.

  2. Set up Hyper Terminal to communicate @ 9600, none, 8, 1, Xon/Xoff through the COM port where the reader is connected (Refer to General FAQs for instructions on how to set up the HyperTerminal correctly)

  3. To verify the barcode readability: Scan a valid sample barcode. The reader should beep once and the barcode data should be displayed on the Hyper Terminal Screen

  4. d. To verify the magnetic stripe readability: for a dual track reader, swipe a credit card through the slot. The reader should beep twice & two lines of the data will show up in a Maximized Notepad window. For a triple track reader, swipe a driver's license card, which has a magnetic strip with data encoded. The reader should sound 3 beeps, and at least 3 lines of data will be displayed on the Hyper Terminal Screen


  1. The testing barcode needs to be positioned on the card so that it is centered about 1/2" from the bottom of the card for the Omni Combo unit. For a sealed unit, the center should be around 0.43"

  2. If the reader does not beep when passing a barcode card through, please check and make sure the barcode is positioned correctly on the card. Also, make sure the barcode is facing to the barcode side of the slot

  3. If the reader beeps, but no data is shown in Notepad, please check the connection

  4. If the reader beeps, but either no data or wrong data was shown in HyperTerminal, please check the connection & COM port settings in Hyper Terminal

  5. If the scanner is verified as working, and does not function correctly with your application software, please contact the software supplier for the data format expected by the software. Re-configure the scanner's output accordingly.

3. How do I know what interface type is on my Omni Reader?

You can tell the interface type by looking at the cable that came with the reader:

If the reader has a Y shape cable with a male-type PS/2 connector on one end and a female-type PS/2 connector on the other end, it's a keyboard wedge interface unit (Model: WCR3237-xxx or WCR3237-x00S)

If the scanner has the DB9 female connector on the end, it's a RS232 serial interface unit (Model: WCR3227-xxx for WCR3227-x00S)

If the scanner is a single-ended cable with a flat USB connector on it, it is either a USB/KB emulation unit (Model: WCR3237-xxxU or WCR3237-x00US) or a USB/RS232 emulation unit (model: WCR3227-xxxU or WCR3227-x00US). Check the model # on the bottom of the unit to confirm the specific USB reader model type.

If the scanner has a single-ended cable with just the tinned wires & without any connector, it is a Weigand interface unit (model: WCR3297-xxx)

If the scanner has a 9-pin squeeze to release type black connector on the end of the cable, it is an undecoded (TTL) interface unit (model: WCR3207-xxx)

Note: you can also refer to the General FAQ section for how to identify the products by model #

4. After programming the reader, my Omni reader gives multiple quick beeps when reading a card, but there is no data output, why is this?

This is because the Omni is still in the program mode. Please exit the programming mode by sending the 'save & exit setup' command for the particular setting group that you were in. As an alternative, cycle the power to the reader.

5. What software should I use to program the Omni Reader?

A. For KB wedge interface unit (Model # WCR3237-xxx or WCR3237-x00S), we recommended entering the configure command in Notepad to configure the reader.

A. For USB/KB emulation unit (Model # WCR3237-xxxU or WCR3237-x00US), use the Omni USB Setup Utility software (USB Reader Setup Utility V3.1.zip)

A. For RS232 (WCR3227-xxx or WCR3227-x00) or USB/RS232 emulation unit (WCR3227-xxxU or WCR3227-x00US), we recommend using Hyper Terminal to program the reader. (Refer to General FAQs for instructions on how to set up the HyperTerminal correctly)

6. What command I should use to reset the Omni to the factory default settings?

The following code list is used to reset the reader to the factory default:


The code is the same for all interfaces.

7. My Omni keyboard interface reader works with an external keyboard attached, but it will not work when I remove the keyboard. Is there a way to make it work without having to connect an external keyboard?

You can configure the reader through the external keyboard in Notepad with the following code:



Then remove the keyboard, and shut down the PC. Power up the PC and verify the reader's output again in Notepad.

8. How do I know if the code is being taken correctly by the reader while programming the Omni reader? What else do I need to know when programming the reader through keyboard entry?

The reader should sound two slow beeps after all of the code commands except for the 'save & exit setup mode' commands.

For the 'save & Exit Setup' command codes, which should always end with the letter 'Z' the reader will sound 4 slow beeps when the Enter key is pressed.

The reader will sound 4 quick beeps to indicate any of the following errors:

  1. If the command code entered is invalid

  2. If the code has been corrected by using the Backspace key during typing

  3. If a number key from the numeric keypad is used for the numbers in the code

To correct the above problems,

  1. Always, verify the code in the manual to ensure that it is a valid code.

  2. Notice that the configure code is case-sensitive. Type the code in slowly & correctly. If there is a typo, press the Enter key, and re-type the code correctly. (Do NOT use the Backspace key or any other key to correct the error).

  3. Make sure to use the number keys above the main Alpha keypad. Do Not use the number keys on the number keypad located on the right side of the keyboard

9. How do I make the cursor stop at the end of the barcode data (no Enter needed)?

Set the barcode terminator to 'None' using the code below:



10. How do I make the reader do a Tab instead of the Enter at the end of barcode data?

Set the barcode terminator to 'None' enable the function code then program a post-amble of 'TAB' using the code below:




11. It takes several swipes to get a good barcode read after the card has been laminated, why is this?

If the reader reads the same card fine before laminating, the two following problems could be the cause:

  1. The reflection of the lamination material

  2. The vertical position of the barcode could have changed due to the additional edge after lamination

12. How do I get rid of the Enter in between track 1 and track 2 of the magnetic data output?

Set the magnetic track separator to 'None' with the following code:



13. How do I program the reader so that it will not output the start & end sentinels from the magnetic card?

By default, the Omni reader will output the start sentinels ('%' for track 1 and ';' for track 2 of a credit card) and end sentinels ('?' for each track). To disable the output of the sentinels, configure the reader with the code below:



14. How do I program the Omni to output only the data from track 2 of a magnetic card?

Use the code below:



15. I have a USB/KB interface Omni Reader (WCR3237-xxxU or WCR3237-x00US), where do I find the driver?

The USB/KB emulation reader uses the standard HID keyboard driver provided by Windows or Mac Operating System. On a Mac or a PC with Windows 2000 or XP, the driver will be installed automatically when the 1st time reader is connected to a USB port.

The Windows 98 system CD is required to locate and install the HID keyboard driver on a PC running Windows 98.

16. I have a USB/RS232 interface Omni Reader (WCR3227-xxxU or WCR3227-x00US), where do I find the driver?

You can download the IDT USB serial driver V3.0 from our website. (IDT USB Serial Driver V3.0.exe)

17. Which manual is the correct one to download for my Omni Reader?

If the Omni is a Keyboard or USB keyboard interface reader (e.g. WCR3237-xxx, WCR3237-x00S or WCR3237-xxxU, WCR3237-x00US), download the 'Omni Keyboard Wedge/USB' manual. (Omni Keyboard Wedge/USB Users Manual)

If the Model # is a serial or USB serial emulation interface reader (e.g. WCR3227-xxx, WCR3227-x00S or WCR3227-xxxU, WCR3227-x00US), download the 'Omni RS-232/USB' manual. (Omni RS-232/USB Users Manual)

18. Why does the Omni not read the Code 39 barcode that I generated by myself?

When generating a Code 39 barcode, a '*' character must be at the beginning & end of the encoded data.

19. How do I program the Omni to output the credit card data in the following format?


Following is the list of the programming code:













20. Does the Omni Reader read both barcode & magnetic card?

Depending on the Model # of the Omni Reader, the 3 digits after the '-' n the Model # indicate the following:

Model Number usually is in the format of WCR32x7-yzzXX:

If the y is a '5', it only has the magnetic read capability. (e. g. -512 for the dual track, -533 for the triple track magnetic reader)

If the y is '6' or '7' and the 'zz' is '00', it's a barcode-only reader. If the zz is not '00', then it is a combo reader which can read both barcode & magnetic card.

For the XX part, the letter 'S' at the end or alone indicates that this is a sealed barcode reader, and the letter 'U' indicates this is a USB interface reader

For the x part, '3' indicates a keyboard emulation interface, '2' indicates an RS232 emulation interface

For the zz part, '12' indicates a dual track MagStripe reader, '33' indicates a triple track MagStripe reader

21. I want to mount the Omni Reader, what size mounting screw should I use and where can I get them?

The mounting screw size is M3.5. If you have trouble getting them at a local hardware supplier, you can get them from:

Mr. Metric 
960 N. 10th Street 
San Jose, CA 95112 
PH# 408-286-8816 
Fax# 408-286-0974

22. What are the common causes of barcode reading problems with the Omni Reader?

a. Vertical position of the barcode on the card.

The Omni Combo reader is designed for a barcode centered at 0.49" from the bottom edge of the card.

The Omni Sealed reader is designed for a barcode centered at 0.43" from the bottom edge of the card.

b. The reflection from the lamination.

Use less reflective laminating material or try our Infra-red Omni Barcode Reader if the problem is caused by reflections

c. Barcode printing quality

Use a barcode printer or laser printer instead of the Dot Matrix printer or Ink Jet printer to print the barcode

d. The color of the barcode background.

Use a lighter background color, the best performance is obtained with a black barcode printed on a white background.

e. Masked backgrounds, graphic backgrounds, or security tape coverings on the barcode.

Use the Infrared Omni Reader to avoid reading problems

f. The barcode is positioned too close to one side of the card or there is another image near the start or end of the barcode.

Leave at least 1/4" space between the barcode and the side of the card or the image next to it

23. How do I program the Omni Reader to skip the 1st 3 characters and send the next 7 characters with a carriage return for my Code 39 barcode?

Use the code below to program the reader:








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