FAQ: 2D Scan

FAQ: 2D Scan

Q: Where can I find and download the user manual?

A. Download the user manual from our website.

Q: How do I get rid of the "*" on both sides of the Code 39 barcode data output?

A. To disable the output of the "*" for Code 39, scan the following barcode on Page 70 of the manual:

  1. Code Programming ON

  2. Transmit Neither "*" under Transmit Start & Stop Character section

  3. Code Programming OFF

  4. Test read the barcode to confirm the "*" characters are gone

Q: How do I append a Tab at the end of the barcode output?

A. To append a Tab at the end of the output, print out pages 26, 125, 126, 136, 137, and 138 of the User Manual and scan the following bar codes in sequence program the scanner:

  1. On page 26, scan the "Code Programming On"

  2. On page 26, scan the "Load All Factory Default"

  3. On page 26, scan the "Code Programming Off" 

  4. On page 126, scan the "Code Programming On" 

  5. On page 126, scan the "Disable Stop Suffix"

  6. On page 126, scan the "Code Programming Off"

  7. On page 125, scan the "Code Programming On" 

  8. On page 125, scan the "Program User Suffix"

  9. On page 136, scan the "0"

  10. On page 137, scan the "9"

  11. On page 138, scan the "Save"

  12. On page 125, scan the "Enable User Suffix"

  13. On page 125, scan the "Code Programming Off"

Q: I reset the scanner to the factory default, and now it won't output the data in a text editor. How do to program the scanner for text output?

A. Set the reader to USB/Keyboard interface by scanning the following barcode on page 33:

  1. Code Programming ON

  2. Select USB HID-KBW

  3. Code Programming OFF

Q: How do I set the scanner to skip the "*" for Code 39 output (*12345 -> 12345"), and insert Space at the very end as a terminator (12345space12345)?

A. Scan the following setup barcodes in sequence:

  1. Code Programming On from any page of the manual

  2. Transmit Neither "*" (on page 70)

  3. Enable User Suffix (on page 125)

  4. "2" & "0" (on pages 136-137)

  5. "Save" (on page 138)

  6. Code Programming Off (from any page of the manual)

Q: I am using Excel, and when I scan my barcode it skips a line after the scan. How do I make it to the next line?

A. Scan the following barcodes in sequence from the manual on page 126:

  1. Scan the Code Programming ON

  2. Enable Stop Suffix

  3. Program Stop Suffix

  4. Program Ox0D as Stop Suffix

  5. Code Programming Off

Q: How do I reset the IDBA-6641LRB USB keyboard emulation interface to factory default?

A. Scan the following barcodes in sequence from the manual on page 26 to reset the scanner to the factory default first:

  1. Code Programming ON

  2. Load All Factory Default

  3. Code Programming OFF

B. Then scan the following barcode in sequence on page 33 to set it to USB/Keyboard emulation interface:

  1. Code Programming ON

  2. Select USB HID-KBW

  3. Code Programming OFF

Q: How do I append a Tab at the end of the barcode output?

A. Scan the following barcodes:

  1. Code Programming ON (on page 125)

  2. Enable User Suffix

  3. Program User Suffix

  4. 0 (on page 136)

  5. D (on page 137)

  6. Save (on page 138)

  7. Code Programming OFF (on page 125)

Q: How do I set the scanner to add an Enter at the end of the output for a USB/KBW interface scanner?

A. Scan the following barcodes:

  1. Code Programming ON (on page 126)

  2. Enable Stop Suffix

  3. Program Stop Suffix

  4. Program 0x0D as Stop Suffix

  5. Code Programming OFF (on page 126)

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