VP3300 Battery Stats

VP3300 Battery Stats


For MSR+ICC+contactless and ICC test, treat the stats below as auto-polling, because we use loop to test.

For contactless, the calculated battery power is used up within 30 mins (not exceeding 350 times transactions). If the reader is set as auto poll, the power consumption stays on maximum regardeless.

VP3300BT Battery Charging Guidelines

When the VP3300BT reader's LED flashes yellow and green to indicate it requires charging, the battery level is at ~10% and the reader can perform between 30 to 50 contactless transactions before being completely drained. The reader requires about two hours of charging to reach 100% again. 

Test item

Battery Voltage




250 times for MSR


Test performed by using ID TECH QA software to send commands to turn on the MSR swipe function in loop.

250 times for ICC Card


Test performed by using ID TECH QA software to send commands to turn on the ICC function in loop.

300 times for Contactless Card


Test performed by using ID TECH QA software to send commands to turn on the Contactless function in loop.


>1200 times for ICC Card


Test performed by using ID TECH QA software to send commands to turn on the ICC function in loop (2sec/div) until out of battery.

P.S our unit always stay on Run Mode


>650 times for Contactless Card


By Using IDT HW Test (iOS app)

  1. Each transaction took 15~20 sec.
  2. After 650 transaction times, battery voltage was closed to 3.71V; the green and amber LED will be blinking.
  3. Between 3.71V à 3.55V, the transaction would be effected by voltage dropping; we only can do less than 80 times

P.S FW Version: NEO v1.01.015.00D

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