UniMag Utility Autoconfig Walkthrough for Android

UniMag Utility Autoconfig Walkthrough for Android

In order to run autoconfig and send the data to ID Tech, you must use the UniMag Utility. It is found on the app store under the search term "ID Tech UniMag".

After downloading the app, open it and select a reader.

Open the settings menu. This varies per device but it is usually one of the main buttons or in the bottom of the screen when using the utility.  See below for more details in case the menu option isn't obvious.

Here below is for the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, the menu button is accessible by pressing the icon circled below in red.

When not present on screen as three dots or dashes, and some others, press and hold any of the panel buttons aside from Home.

Typically the Samsung back arrow and the LG/HTC Square will open the menu when holding these down, although the two-rectangle icon has also been linked to the menu as well.
Once open, choose Settings and select the option, "Start Autoconfig". This should begin the process. It will count up from 1% until finished.

If successful, the reader will be powered and the app will return the serial number.

If so, you should take a minimum of three test swipes to provide sufficient data to ID Tech. Swipes can be started by pressing the Swipe Card button, after which, a popup will appear waiting 20 seconds for you to swipe. A good swipe with non-encrypted data should look something like the picture below.

A good swipe with encrypted data should look something like the picture below.

After making three good swipes, press the Email button to send the data to ID tech.  You must have an email account already set up on the device.  Send Email will provide an email with attachments to ID Tech.  With the combined results, we can endorse a support status for the devices.