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Quick Facts:

  • Current certification encompasses VP3300/VP8300, for Sale, Pre-Auth, Completion, Void and Return for MSR, Contactless and Contact EMV (including ApplePay and Google Pay)
  • VP3300/VP8300 must be at Firmware version 1.01.xx
  • Testing implementation requires WorldNet test credentials, WorldNet test cards, and a compatible ID TECH device with WorldNet encryption key
  • Current support is for C, and .Net
  • The WorldNet test server requires a reader that has an ANSI Demo BDK (IDT-KEYINJ-D01).  Production/Live transactions require a device with a production WorldNet key (IDT-KEYINJ-295) 


WorldNet Merchant API: WorldNet Merchant API

WorldNet VP3300 Integration Guide: WorldNet VP3300 Integration Guide

WorldNet Test Cards: Test Card Sets

ID Tech Product Home Page (SDK's, Documents, Info): ID Tech Products - Home

Windows .Net Utilities, Documentation, SDK reference: Visual Studio .Net SDK Home Page

WorldNet Response Codes: WorldNet Response Codes


  • Obtain a test account with WorldNet.  This will consist of a terminal number and an API Key.
  • Acquire appropriate test cards for testing transaction.
  • Obtain a device with keys that work with the WorldNet test server. This must be a WorldNet Test Device.
    • The WorldNet Test Device must have a BDK 0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210 and produce a KSN that starts with 62994900.
    • The WorldNet Production device will have a secret BDK and produce a KSN that starts with 629949967B. This must only be used for live transactions.
  • Configure the device with the WorldNet configuration file (terminal settings, AIDs, CAPK) (requires Windows PC).
  • Download the demo application(s) for your platform(s).  Refer to the source code and documentation with the downloads for implementation instructions:
  • Run test transactions - Sale, Return, Void, Pre-Auth and Completion. Verify integration successful with POS application.
  • Optionally, utilize the WorldNet Utility for Windows to run test transactions when testing credentials: WorldNet Utility for Windows.
  • Establish a live merchant account.
  • Switch to a device with production keys on it that can properly encrypt data for the live server.
    • The WorldNet Production device will have a secret BDK and produce a KSN that starts with 629949967B.  The ID TECH Key ID is IDT-KEYINJ-295.
  • Configure the production device with the WorldNet Device Configuration  file as it was performed with the demo device.
  • Go live with payments (please refer to QuickStart guide):

Available Downloads:

  File Modified

File WorldNet-VP3300-Production-Config.json ViVO Configuration File for WorldNet Production Transactions

Mar 28, 2024 by Randy Palermo

PDF File Worldnet - IDTech Direct Integration Guide.pdf WorldNet VP3300 Direct Integration Guide

Mar 28, 2024 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive WorldNet WorldNet Utility for Windows

Mar 28, 2024 by Randy Palermo

PDF File Worldnet C++ QuickStart.pdf WorldNet Quick Start Guide for C

Mar 28, 2024 by Randy Palermo

PDF File Worldnet Windows QuickStart.pdf WorldNet Quick Start Guide for .Net

Mar 28, 2024 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive WorldNet Demo Source Code Windows .Net

Mar 28, 2024 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive Universal C++ SDK V1.0.35.038 with Demo; Mac, Linux, Windows32/64, RaspPi 3&0, ARMv6, ARMv7, ARMv8, Ubuntu64 released on 5/3/2024

May 03, 2024 by Yan Mu

ZIP Archive dot NET SDK Demo App using SDK

Sept 11, 2024 by Randy Palermo

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