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How do I check the extended firmware version for an Augusta(S) reader?
How Do I Find the VID/PID (Vendor ID/Product ID) for my USB-connected reader?
PIN Block format ISO 9564 Format 0
My VP3600 displays "Need Client Key". What does it mean?
How to set the Spectrum Pro's Terminal Settings to 3C?
Instructions to set the audio configuration automatically
How to retrieve the CVC3 from Track2 contactless Mastercard transaction?
How to set Augusta Encryption Key Variant to Data or PIN Variant?
How do I configure the prefix, suffix, postamble, preamble, and start/end sentinels to an SecureMag, SecureHead (Secure line of readers) Reader?
How to output MSR track data without carriage returns (print all tracks on one-line)?
MagSwipe Configuration Utility - How to configure card reader with a configure file provided?
How to update the bootloader, firmware and kernel files of the VP5300?
I have an encrypting reader. How can I set it to leave gift cards unencrypted?
How to retrieve the entire configuration setting string from a SecuRED reader?
How do I check my encryption Status for a NEO device?
How Do I Read DESFire Cards?
How Do I Reset a PiP to Delete All Merchant IDs?
Is there some specific tracking requirements for a SRED certified device?
UniMag Demo walkthrough (Google Play app)
UniMag Utility Autoconfig Walkthrough for Android
Universal Library for Visual Studio - Home
Updating a SREDKey 2 to Bootloader v1.15 and FW v1.01.008.0392
Updating Device Security Certificates
Updating the Firmware on a VP3300USB or VP8300
Updating the VP3300 and VP8300 Kernel from 1.01 to 1.10
Updating VP3300 Readers to FW v1.10 with the VP3300 Firmware Update App
Using the MagSwipe Configuration Utility to Save or Load a Reader's Settings to or from a File
VP3300 Battery Stats
VP3300 Transition to New NFC Kernels
VP3600 Firmware: How to check the version and update
VP5300 and L100 - FAQ and Notes
VP5300 Demo Integration - What comes in the Demo kit?
VP5300 with L100, using the Universal SDK
VP6300 or NEO2 device: How to update the firmware
What applications exist that work with the iMag Pro II?
What are all the possible EMV "result codes"?
What are the "default tags" returned by uDemo? (Start transaction, Authenticate transaction, Complete transaction)
What are the "Mercury Settings"?
What are the 'PAN Entry Modes' of tag 9F39?
What are the steps to update L100 firmware?
What contactless terminal configuration is typical for VISA online only US based terminal?
What does it mean if I get FF-EE-1F when I tap a contactless card?
What does TVR mean?
What do the LEDs and beeping mean on a PIN Pad?
What Information Helps to Efficiently Troubleshoot a SREDKey Reader?
What Information Should I Provide when Requesting Technical Support?
What is an ATR?
What is Apple's MFI Program? Do I Need to Register My Application with Your Product Plan?
What is a TLV?
What is EMV Level 3 Certification?
What is "Express Transit"?
What is PCI?
What Is SRED Compliance?
What is the difference between Global Configuration TLVs and Group Configuration TLVs? Is there a priority between them?
What is the PCI DSS?
What is the pin-out for 220-2463-00 (VP8XXX Standard Serial)?
What is the pinout of the serial interface cable of your card reader (e.g. WCR3227-xxx)?
What products use NGA key injection protocol?
What proprietary tags has ID Tech defined?
What's the difference between Blue Tooth and Blue Tooth LE?
What Terminal Configuration should I use for a payment system in Japan?
What torque is recommended to mount readers that have M3 and M3.5 inserts for mounting screw?
What triggers the VP3300 reader change between the 3 different power modes?
What would happen if the reader was commanded to Enter Low Power Mode while a card is already partially inserted?
What would happen if the VP5300 reader is commanded to Enter Low Power Mode while a card is already fully inserted?
When a transaction pauses to allow the user to make a “language selection” (or other menu selection), what is the command to use when sending the line number (the selection) back to the device?
When the VP5300 is in Sleep mode, and an ICC is inserted, what will happen?
Where Can I Get Test Cards?
Where is the serial number and a Shuttle mobile reader?
Which Terminal Settings Am I Allowed to Change?
White Papers
Why aren't tags 57 and 5A returned with my EMV transaction?
Why “Can you sell me a PCI DSS Certified Reader?” is the wrong question?
Why Do ID TECH Devices Not Support Firmware Updates over Bluetooth?
Why don't I see 5F24 (Application Expiration Date) in the reader's response during EMV transaction?
Why is my VP3300 not Reading the Inserted Chip Card?
Why is Tag 8A Giving a Z3 Response Code?
Will the iMag Pro II work with an iPad Pro when connected via a lightning to USB-C converter?
With the MiniSmart II firmware upgraded to 2.00.034, I'm not getting the expected ACK when sending the Authenticate command(72460502). How do I correct this?
With VP5300, how do I know the card is inserted or not after the Transaction started?
WorldPay Integration - Home
WorldNet Integration - Home
FAQ - Payment Card Industry (PCI)
Setting Configuration Parameters and Values (ITP Protocol)
How to pair VP5300 reader with L80?
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Knowledge Base
WorldPay Integration - Home
WorldPay Integration - Home
Randy Palermo
Yan Mu
Owned by
Randy Palermo
Last updated:
Mar 14, 2024
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