Universal Library for Visual Studio - Home

As of 2/1/2020,   The original .Net 4.5 multi-file SDK has been deprecated.  Our Visual Studio SDK consists of a a single library with documentation of all the device API calls. There are builds provided for .Net 4.8, .Net Standard 2.1, Net 6.0, and .Net 7.0, allowing it to work across multiple platforms. 

Quick Facts:

  • This is a single file SDK now (IDTechSDK.dll).  There are additional system dependencies that will be part of the NuGet installation process.
  • The minimum .Net standard is 4.8. 
  • The SDK libraries will be maintained on NuGet. Additional documentation and source code files will be maintained on this page. 

On NuGet:

Current Standard SDK package available on NuGet: IDTechSDK_STD

In Visual Studio, right-click on your project and select "Manage NuGet packages...".  Browse for "IDTechSDK_STD" and select/install the latest version available. This will also install the required dependency Newtonsoft.JsonIDTechSDK_RemoteClientModel, and NLog.

Not using NuGet for Visual Studio reference management?

If you are not using NuGet and would like to manually add IDTechSDK.dll to your project, please follow the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the NuGet page for IDTechSDK_STD
  2. Under Version History, select the version you would like to download. Unless special circumstances, you should always use the latest version at the top of the list.
  3. On the Info links on the right side of the page, select "Download package"
  4. This will download the NuGet package idtechsdk_std.x.x.x.xxx.nupkg
  5. Rename the download exension from .nupkg to .zip.  This will mark the download as a .zip archive
  6. Uncompress the .zip archive
  7. The four versions of the IDTechSDK.dll library are in the lib folder. Use the version best suited for your project's targeted .Net version.
  8. The IDTechSDK.dll has a dependency on additional libraries.  You will also need to download and add additional dependencies to your project using the same steps above.

Available Downloads:

  File Modified

ZIP Archive ID Tech RKI Utility.zip APP, SDK Utility for executing Remote Key Injection.

Jul 28, 2021 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive VP3300UpdateMulti.zip APP, SDK Windows app to update multiple VP3300 from 1.01.xxx to 1.10.xxx

Jul 28, 2021 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive Firmware Update Utility.zip Firmware Update Utility for IDTech Devices., SDK

Jul 28, 2021 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive UpdateVP3300.zip Console app to update VP3300 from 1.01.xxx to 1.10.xxx

Jul 28, 2021 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive DeviceUpdateUtility.zip BETA: Firmware, RKI and ViVOConfig Combined Utility / sdk

Oct 01, 2021 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive DeviceUpdate.zip

Nov 11, 2021 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive IDTech Decryption Utility.zip Utility for Encrypting/Decrypting Data

Dec 17, 2021 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive DeviceUpdateUtilityFW.zip Firmware, ViVOConfig FW Utility / sdk

Mar 05, 2022 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive DeviceUpdateUtilityFWSolo.zip Firmware Utility / sdk

Jul 26, 2022 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive UpdateIDT_Legacy.zip CLI Update Utility (Legacy version) Windows .Net 4.6.1 Only

Aug 18, 2022 by Randy Palermo

PDF File Universal Demo QuickStart Guide.pdf Rev H

Jul 11, 2023 by Chris Barton

File IDT_UsbBridge.cs Required File to use USB in UWP Apps. Requires SDK or greater.

Nov 30, 2023 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive IDTech_ZMQ_Server_App_Source_Code.zip ZMQ Server Test App Source Code and compiled app SDK

Dec 13, 2023 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive dot NET SDK Documentation.zip PDF and HTML documentation for ID TECH .NET SDK

Jan 10, 2024 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive GetSysLog.zip Cross Platform Console Utility to retrieve SysLogs

Apr 17, 2024 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive UpdateIDT.zip 1.0.34 CLI Utility to update IDTech Devices. Mac/Windows/Linux. Requires .NET8

Apr 18, 2024 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive PAEUDemo.zip PAE uDemo

May 02, 2024 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive Cross Platform Source Code Example.zip Example code that compiles on Windows, Mac and Linux using .NET8 and ID TECH .NET SDK

Aug 01, 2024 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive USB_Test.zip .Net8 USB Test App for Linux/Mac/Windows

Aug 01, 2024 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive SDK_Demo_CrossPlatform.zip Windows/Mac/Linux Terminal Demo App, Net8.0

Aug 13, 2024 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive NEOII_Simple_Demo.zip Simple Demo for NEOII

Sept 03, 2024 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive dot NET SDK Demo Source Code.zip Demo Source Code using SDK

Sept 11, 2024 by Randy Palermo

File IDTechSDK_ChangeLog.md

Sept 13, 2024 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive MAUI_SDKuDemo.zip MAUI Demo App for Android/iOS: Maui.Comm SDK

Sept 16, 2024 by Randy Palermo

ZIP Archive dot NET SDK Demo.zip Demo App using SDK

Oct 14, 2024 by Randy Palermo

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