TLP Protocol

TLP Protocol

Please note that the TLP was called “MOIR protocol”

TLP Protocol for Sending Commands and Receiving Responses

Every command and response follows the same basic structure: HEADER DATA TRAILER

The HEADER consists of <60> followed by <Command Length>. The <Command Length> are two bytes: most significant then least significant byte.

For the setting commands(command ID 0x53), the DATA often consists of the Command ID, Function ID, Function Length, and Function Data.

For get setting commands (command ID 0x52), the DATA consists of the Command ID and one Functional ID.

The TRAILER consists of <LRC> followed by <ETX>.

The maximum size of length is 768 (including envelope bytes).

Send Setting Command Command:

60<Command Length><Command ID>><FuncSETBLOCK1>…<FuncSETBLOCKn> <LRC><ETX>

Each function-setting block <FuncSETBLOCK> has following format: <FuncID><Len><FuncData>

Where: <Command Length> = is a two-byte count of the bytes in the DATA field

<Command ID> = is a one byte value identifying a specific command ID. See section 7.3 for command ID list. Only ‘0’, ‘1’ or ‘S’ command IDs are allowed for the send setting commands.

<FuncID> = is a one byte Function ID, which identifies the particular function or settings affected

<Len> = is a one-byte length count for the data block “

<FuncData>” <FuncData> = is the data block for the function

<LRC> = See Calculation in section below

<ETX> = 03