AR 3.0.0 - 2020

User Manual



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Source Control

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V 1.00.005



  • 1.Improved Issuer Script XLS loader.

1.a. More script item checking.

1.b. Update XLS File.

  • 2.Fix TLV Parser Issues

2.a Display Issue

old: display part of Response TLVs

new: display All TLVs

2.b Duplicated TLV Issue

note: JIRA, PSH-1051

V 1.00.004



1.Fixed JIRA issues

PSH-965, 966

Set Kernel Timeout(K-TO) value (DFEF3C) : 5 seconds during the test.

Process Flow update.

step 0A - [Checked] "Unable Online Timeout" --> set K-TO = 5 secs

step 0B - Start Transaction 02-05 -->

<-- response 0x30

---[ SDK Waiting for 5+1 seconds ]---

Go online 02-06 -->

<-- response 0x34 / others

Reversal & Terminate Transaction.

Lavina.Lu steven.chen JayDeng (Deactivated) Teddy Hsiung SHIH-CHIEH CHOU (Deactivated)



  • 1.00.004-C03, goofy_liu, 2020 April 13
    1.Fixed JIRA issues
  • PSH-951 - Getting issue details... STATUS PAN (Acount) Info w/ "FF" paddings
    Resolved: removeal "FF" @ the receipt panel.
  • 2.Fixed display items(ex: # -->20201202) in the receipt panel
    a. Date/Time Display: 9A, 9F21
    b. Account Type Display: 9C

    V 1.00.004-C02, goofy_liu, 2020 April 07
  • 1.Fixed JIRA issues
    1.a PSH-951, AR 3.x.x only, tag 5A (PAN)
    PAN display in receipt,
    TLV: 5A 12 00 11 22 33 .. .. EE FF FF
    where len = 0x12
    old style: "00 11 22 33 .. .. EE FF FF", with padding "FF FF"
    new value :"00 11 22 33 .. .. EE", w/o padding "FF FF"
    len = 0x12 --> 0x10, 0xFF padding removal




  • 1.Update [Unable Online] Checked send value


02-06+00 , don't care checked(Unable Online), always 0x00


02-06+00 (unchecked, Go Online)

02-06+01 (checked, Unable Online)





  • 01. [Fixed][PSH-911]9F34 CVM Result Check for Signature Signing

new: ok + resp. 9F34.B1  = x03 / x05 / x1E / 0x43 / 0x45 / 0x5E --> Signature on

old: ok + resp. 9F34.B1 & 0x1F = x02 / x03 / x1E --> Signature on

PSH-911 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • 02. update value of "AR300,02-05,4 B"
    new: "07 00 10 00"
    old: "02 00 10 00"