Tools for Payment Device Integration: Encrypt/Decrypt Tool - ID TECH
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ID TECH makes available a number of excellent free utilities for anyone involved in developing payment apps using our products. In recent posts, I talked about Parsomatic, our free data parser (implemented as a web form), and UDemo, the Universal SDK test app that works with all of our non-legacy products (implemented in C# for Windows). I’d be remiss if I didn’t also encourage you to try our Encrypt/Decrypt Tool, which you can load in your browser by clicking this link. The Encrypt/Decrypt Tool is a powerful, self-contained single-page HTML app with a native JavaScript implementation of AES encryption, Triple DES, DUKPT key derivation, SHA hashing, HMAC, and much more. All the logic is contained in a single page (there are no server-side bits), which means you can download the HTML...