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Comment: Repair Jira Macros

How In the uDemo, performing an MSR read can retrieve non-payment data (e.g., test a gift card for a non-payment application). Follow the steps below to get the MSR data for non-payment applications (employee, gift cards, and so on) with the an Augusta working in the HID mode?In the USDK Demo, you can start the MSR and do the swipe  (e.g. test gift card) and get the data. Do you have a guideline on how to achieve this?A: 

There is a sequence of commands that need to be sent to capture


MSR data with the reader working in buffer mode (refer to 4.3.4 Buffer Mode of the Augusta IDG for




Ensure the reader is in the Buffer mode by sending


(73 52 01 1A)


. Check the response to confirm


the reader is set to 32.

Send the Arm to Read command (73 46 50 01 30) and make sure


you receive an ACK


response  of 06


(refer to 11.19 Arm To Read


in the Augusta IDG for details).


Repeatedly send


the Read Buffer Data command (73 46 51 01 30 for any MSR track data) and check the response (


refer to 4.3.4 Buffer Mode of the Augusta IDG for possible responses) until it times out or the card is swiped.


Receive the card data from the data buffer



Disarm the MSR by sending


(73 50 01 32) at any


point when pulling the data or send the Set Buffer Mode command (73 53 01


1A 01 32) as what


uDemo does


after the data is received to ensure


the reader stays in


buffered mode.


This uDemo screenshot shows the Start MSR test log with the


five steps above identified in different frames:

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