Instruction document provided below:
VP3600 iOS SDK Bluetooth Pairing Instruction.docx
VP3600 Android SDK Bluetooth Pairing Instruction.docx
in case you need to reset the device name and password.
Here is an example of my set BT parameters (77-81 cmd)
name : VP3600-TL // 5650333630302D544C00 //must end with 0x00
old Password : 123456 // 313233343536
new password: 654321 // 363534333231
14:32:11.970: IN: 5669564f7465636832007700000077bf
I attached two video clips that demonstrate how to pair VP3600 reader to IDTech iOS and Android demo app.
iOS demo app:
1. reset device name and password
2. press "Search BLE Scan" to search if reader "VP3600-TL" is nearby.
3. enter device name "VP3600-TL" in the upper right corner, and "Search BLE Scan" again.
4. repeat steps #3 several times until prompt for password.
5. enter "654321" and wait for connecting. // expecting to see "connected" in the middle of the window
6. send get firmware to verify the connection.
Android demo app: