The Function ID settings below are legacy versions only.
Function ID | Hex | Length | Name | Default | Description |
TrackSepID | 17 | 1 | Track Separator | 0x0D=CR/Enter | CR for RS232, Enter for KB any character supported except 00 which means none. |
Sentinel and Account number controlID | 19 | 1 | Sentinel and Account Number Control | 1 | Bit 0 1: Send start/end sentinel 0: Do not send start/end sentinel Bit 1 1: Only send account number on Track2\ 0: Send all data on Track2 Bit 2 1: Send error notification 0: Not error notification Bit 3 1: Alt key output 0: Control key output |
Track1PrefixID | 34 | 6 | Track1 Prefix | 0 (any string) | No prefix for Track1: six character maximum |
Track2PrefixID | 35 | 6 | Track2 Prefix | 0 (any string) | No prefix for Track2: six character maximum |
Track3PrefixID | 36 | 6 | Track3 Prefix | 0 (any string) | No prefix for Track3: six character maximum |
Track1SuffixID | 37 | 6 | Track1 Suffix | 0 (any string) | No suffix for Track1: six character maximum |
Track2SuffixID | 38 | 6 | Track2 Suffix | 0 (any string) | No suffix for Track2: six character maximum |
Track3SuffixID | 39 | 6 | Track3 Suffix | 0 (any string) | No suffix for Track3: six character maximum |
LRCLv1ID | 60 | 1 | Track LRC Option in Level 1 | 1 (0-1) | 1: Send track LRC in output data 0: Don’t send track LRC |
T17BstartID | 61 | 1 | Track1 Bit 7 Start Character | % (any) | % as Track1 Bit 7 start sentinel |
T15BstartID | 63 | 1 | Track1 Bit 5 Start | ; (any) | ; as Track1 5 Bit start sentinel |
T27BstartID | 64 | 1 | Track2 Bit 7 Start Character | % (any) | % as Track2 Bit 7 start sentinel |
T25BstartID | 65 | 1 | Track2 Bit 5 Start | ; (any) | ; as Track2 5 Bit start sentinel |
T37BstartID | 66 | 1 | Track3 Bit 7 Start Character | % (any) | % as Track3 Bit 7 start sentinel |
T35BstartID | 68 | 1 | Track3 Bit 5 Start | ; (any) | ; as Track3 5 Bit start sentinel |
T1EndID | 69 | 1 | Track1 End Sentinel | ? (any) | ? as end sentinel |
T2EndID | 6A | 1 | Track2 End Sentinel | ? (any) | ? as end sentinel |
T3EndID | 6B | 1 | Track3 End Sentinel | ? (any) | ? as end sentinel |
T1ERRSTARTID | 6C | 1 | Track1 Error Code | % (any) | Start sentinel if Track1 error report |
T2ERRSTARTID | 6D | 1 | Track2 Error Code | ; (any) | Start sentinel if Track2 error report |
T3ERRSTARTID | 6E | 1 | Track3 Error Code | + (any) | Start sentinel if Track3 error report |