Method 1: (your method) Auto poll/bust mode on. Loop 60-14 to monitor for card insert
if swipe, data collected, transaction proceeds.
If tap, data collected, transaction proceeds.
If dip, 60-14 returns card seated, issue 60-10
Method 2: (my discovery) Auto poll/bust mode on.
if swipe, data collected, transaction proceeds.
If tap, data collected, transaction proceeds.
If dip, the reader sends data (I think A3), issue 60-10
Method 3. (uDemo method) Auto poll off
Start transaction
check for card seated 60-14, if yes 60-10. If no, 02-40
if swipe, data collected, transaction proceeds.
If tap, data collected, transaction proceeds.
If dip, transaction canceled, start transaction again
If timeout, transaction canceled, start transaction againThe SDK method Start Device Transaction can be used to arm any EMV reader for all the card presentations the reader support (dip, tap, swipe). Once invoked, a card presentation will collect data and proceed with the transaction. If no card is presented before the timeout period expires, it will timeout. Simply start the transaction again. Thats it. Simple, right?