You can search this file for your device's model number. If your device's model number is present in the file, you can test that it works by "reloading the XML" in the UniMag utility.
Note |
If you are somewhat technical, you can try copying the "settings profile" of a similar device". Similar models will often work with the same settings.Find a block of code (a settings profile) for a similar model. Copy it and change it to reference your model number. Use the "Load XML" feature in the UniMag Utility to test it. |
How do I find my Android device's model number?
Once Tested good, you can provide the file to the application provider. They will need to rebuild their app with the new file.
Btw, if your tachnicletechnicle, you can copy the section of xml for a similar model and then change the model number to that of your device and test it. Similar models will often work with the same settings.