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Can the customer inject the encryption key by themselves?

Unless the product support RKI, only a Certified Key Injection Facility can inject the encryption key.

What's the structure of a KSN?

Refer to TS-1938

A KSN is 10 bytes fixed. It starts with the 3 bytes(6 digits, e.g. 629949 for our Demo key) IIN (Issuer Identification Number), and next byte(2 digits) is the Customer ID which is fixed too, the next byte(two digits) is the Group ID (varies), next 19 bits is the Device ID which is unique to each device and the last 21 bits is the counter which increases by 1 for every swipe. You can tell the key is different by the first few bytes of the KSN. 


KSN: 62994900750003c0000f (as highlighted in the screenshot attached below)
IIN: 629949
CID: 00
Group ID: 75
Device ID: 0000 0000 0000 0011 110 ( 19 bit in binary) this is from the hex code 00003c with the last bit of the "c" goes to the Counter field
Counter: 0 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 (21 bits in binary) this is the last bit of the hex "c" plus the hex "0000f"

How to tell if the Augusta has an encryption key injected and how to activate the encryption with the key pre-injected?


Do you provide the key generating service?

Yes. Please contact our Sales team

Can SecuRED and SREDKey be remotely key injected?


What's the key press sequence to put the SREDKey into the KeyInjection mode?

 Refer to TS-5821

" # Cancel  # Cancel  BS  Cancel  Enter  #" within 5 seconds after the device powered up with Ready displayed (for SREDKey) Refer to TS-5821

Which IDTECH products support multiple key slots? 
