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Document Version



2016/12/12UniPay1.5 TTK NEO v1.02.023Unipay1.5 TTK NEO v1.02.023.rar

NEO IDG_Rev 99.doc 

NEO IDG Supplement for UniPay III and UniPay 1.5 v1.21.docx

UniPay1.5 TTK NEO v1.02.023

1. Fix JIRA issue
UTK-14 : Reader returned incorrect Display Message Language & Display Message Control after sent cmd 60-10 w/ tag DFEE27 = 0.
UTK-16 : Auto Poll + Burst mode ON --> Swipe Discover card ---> Response miss Tag DFEF4C and DFEF4D
UTK-17 : After sent cmd 60-10 -> swiped card w/ abnormal method, reader did not terminate the transaction.
2. Modify USB PID 3140 for UniPay1.5 TTK
3. Fix C7-3B command fail

2016/12/06UniPay1.5 TTK NEO v1.02.022Unipay1.5 TTK NEO v1.02.022.rar

NEO IDG_Rev 99.doc 

NEO IDG Supplement for UniPay III and UniPay 1.5 v1.21.docx

UniPay1.5 TTK NEO v1.02.022

1. Fix JIRA issue
UTK-2 : After sent cmd 60-10 -> inserted card and then fallback to MSR, MSR retry count was incorrect.
UTK-12 : Encryption ON, after sent cmd 60-10 -> swiped VISA MSD -> sent cmd 60-13, RX did not have tag DF4A (KSN).
UTK-13 : Terminal data was disappeared after sent cmd 60-06 w/ incorrect parameter.
2. Modify encryption type hard code setting back to TDES
3. Modify 60-10 can set Tag DFEF52

2016/12/05UniPay1.5 TTK NEO v1.02.021UniPay1.5 TTK NEO v1.02.021.rar

NEO IDG_Rev 99.doc 

NEO IDG Supplement for UniPay III and UniPay 1.5 v1.20.docx

UniPay1.5 TTK NEO v1.02.021

1. Fix JIRA issue
UTK-1 : Reader can be set tag DFEF52 w/ data that out of range.
UTK-3 : After completed transaction once, sent cmd 60-10 -> fallback to MSR and then swiped card, reader returned strange data.
UTK-4 : Auto poll + Burst mode ON --> Swipe MSR card ---> Reader return incorrect value of "IC" byte
UTK-5 : Reader returns duplicate tag 9F39, FFEE01 and DFEE26 when get transaction result (03-00) or (03-40)
UTK-6 : Response of Get Transaction Result for IDTECH (03-40) miss tag DFEF4C and DFEF4D
UTK-7 : After canceled cmd 60-10 -> sent cmd 04-F0, reader can not work anymore.
UTK-8 : Reader should not return track 1 data when swipe JIS II MSR card
UTK-9 : After sent cmd 60-10 (FallBack = 00) -> inserted card that can not be powered on, reader returned tag DF4F w/ incorrect data '00'.
UTK-10 : Attribution byte indicate encryption type is TDES, however the tarck data is encrypted by AES
UTK-11 : After fallback to MSR -> canceled cmd 60-10, reader tri-color LED was still flashing 'Amber'.

2016/11/30UniPay1.5 TTK NEO v1.02.019UniPay1.5 TTK NEO v1.02.019.rar

NEO IDG_Rev 99.doc 

NEO IDG Supplement for UniPay III and UniPay 1.5 v1.20.docx

UniPay1.5 TTK NEO v1.02.019

1. Modify MSR format
2. Modify PrePAN default setting to 0x06
3. Add Tag 0xDF4A when MSR data encrypted
4. Add TTK debug mode for certification
5. Add command C7-F3 for certification
6. Fix fallback retry times fail
7. Fix command 04-0A, 04-F0 will cause TTK selftest fail

2016/11/23TTK NEO v1.02.016TTK NEO v1.02.016.rar

NEO IDG_Rev 99.doc 

NEO IDG Supplement for UniPay III and UniPay 1.5 v1.19.docx

TTK NEO v1.02.016
1. Initial release
