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Table of Contents

Brief & User Guide

User Guide Rev 02

Multiple Mode Interface : USB-HID

Single Mode (Stand alone mode) : RS232 / USB-HID

Supported Readers :


Unipay III

VP4880 (Goose Run)

Unipay 1.50x0ACD0x3130



Download List

June 07, 2016


Internal Test ONLY

1.No Download Client Starts. Only 7/8 DL in progress.

Not A Bug. Please make sure that..

1.a) HID Device(s) is(are) ready in Device List of windows

If not fount in HID Device List, please change to another usb port and try again.

1.b) Make sure the reader has serial number.

Use TS to Input Serial Number after Test PASSED.

2.#1 Device can't download it in BL(bootloader mode).

2.a)Please usb J-Link to burn firmware image and try again

(remeber to input serial number).

2.b)Change another Unit and Try again.

3.NEO DL Client Crashed in 7th Reader USB Plug-in status.

Fixed Bug.While dumping error Tx Block, the text buffer

is overflowed.

June 07, 2016


Internal Test ONLY

Target Platform: NEO + K21

1.Products : Vendi, (Unipay III, Unipay 1.5)

2.Concurrent Quantity : 1~8 Units

3. Firmware Image Type Check are ready.

For Ex: Vend Txt Image can't be DL into Unipay III Reader.