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Downloads - Home > Android Universal_SDK_Jar (Knowledge Base)
- sdk
- android
- android_sdk
- vp3600
- vp5300
- vp3320
- vp5200
- vp6800
- vp6300
- vp3320s
- vp5300m
- vp3350
- btpay380
- bluetooth
- kb-download
- btpaymini
- vp3300
- vp3300aj
- vp3300usb
- vp3300bt
- vp8300
- augusta
- augustas
- btpay
- kioskiii
- kioskiiis
- kioskiv
- minismartii
- neo2
- pip
- securemag
- unimag
- unipay
- unipay15
- vendi
- vp8800
- vp3820
- unimagii
- shuttle
- securehead
- unimagpro
- secured
- worldpay
- kioskv